Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Crazy Love: Introduction

Week 1: Introduction
Ice-Breaker: (Fun activity/or question)
Your Name
  1. What place would you go back to tomorrow
  2. When was the last time you had to say I’m sorry to someone?

Prime the Pump(On the note card)
  1. What do you think it means to be a Christian?
  2. How do you think people grow in their relationship with God?
  3. How do you know you are growing in your intimacy with God?

Discussion/Prayer(Break into small groups)
  1. How do you hope to grow in your relationship with God through this study?
  2. Is there a person(s) that you think/know would benefit from what you learn in this study?

Have a discussion with someone about what they think it means to grow in their relationship with God.  Share what you’ve learned in our discussion about the concept of a vibrant love relationship with God stemming from a greater knowledge of Him.  

Volunteer Roles:
  1. Ice Breaker: Plan and lead the group in a short fun activity or question
  1. Whenever possible try to link icebreaker to topic of the day

  1. Discussion Leader: Facilitate asking questions during breakout time and move the conversation through the questions.
  2. Prayer Recorder:  Record prayer requests from the week.  Give the list to the group leader.  Follow up with prayer requests next week.
  3. Set-up/Prayer team:  Come 15 minutes before 6pm to set up the T.V. and pray for the group and study.  
  4. Fellowship:  Help coordinate going to dinner or an activity for the group to do in the week.  

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