Prayer Guide
1. Self-Examination
-James 5:16, 1 John 1:9, 2 Chronicles 7:14
2. Small group
3. Christian Challenge
4. University of Arizona
5. Tucson
6. Nation
7. World
Prayer Tips
1. Right Relationship-Communication. If there are obstacles in your life that create a rift between you and God it hinders your effectiveness at prayer. Just like any other relationship, communication is difficult or impossible if you hold a grudge or have done something to upset your friend. In our relationship with God we call those things sin. Clear the air and take care of the things that keep you from being on good terms with God in your relationship. If it helps, put your relationship with Jesus into perspective. Jesus gave His life for you and took the punishment you deserve. Jesus loves you.
2. Be Specific-Just like in any conversation, you want to be clear. In prayer it’s important that we be specific so that we express our concerns to God. God wants to hear what is on our hearts and minds and we’ll never have the opportunity to do that if we talk in vague terms. (Philippians 4:6)
3. Use Scripture-When you don’t know what to pray use scripture. When you do know what to pray use scripture. (1 John 5:14-15) If you get stuck and don’t know what to pray or want a model of how to pray follow the prayers in the bible. There are 66 books in the bible and hundreds of thousands of words used to describe God, praise God, thank God, and cry out to God. God knew you would be in the situation you are in now and provided plenty of examples in scripture that relate to any circumstance of life you find yourself.
· -God’s Word is filled with divine wisdom, hope, and promises of love. Pray what God desires for you because it’s better than what you want for yourself. (John 14:27, Jeremiah 29:11)
· Pray scripture because God’s Word is true and never fails.
-be sure when you pray promises that you study the promise and know who it’s for
-study scripture in context
· Don’t assume. Just like in a conversation we don’t want to assume that what is said is directed toward us. Nor do we want to assume that because we say something that things are going to happen just like we said. Some promises in scripture aren’t directed toward us. And while God may know what we are saying it doesn’t mean that He agrees with it and will give us anything we ask for. (John 14, 1 John 3:22-24)
4. Pray with Confidence-If we talk to our friends like we don’t trust or believe anything they say that becomes an obstacle to both communication and our relationship. When we pray we should go into prayer with a clear sense of who God is and who we are. God gives us an image of who He is from scripture but has also give us a picture of Himself by how He has worked in our lives. Remind yourself How God has demonstrated His love and faithfulness in the past so that you can pray confidently for the present and future.
· Pray expecting God to give you an answer. It might not be the answer we want but He is always faithful to answer prayer. (Yes, No, Wait, Grow)
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