Thursday, November 10, 2011

Daily Readiness Guide


1.  What has God been revealing about Himself to me today?
a. Use this section to write about the things you have learned about God’s character.  Reflect on how you have seen God working in your life?
b.  If you haven’t seen any evidence of God working in your life, this maybe the result of behavioral, emotional and attitude barriers that keep you from being in intimate relationship with God.  That’s called sin.

1a. What is God revealing to me about myself?
  1. What are the things God might be teaching you?  What ways do you need to grow in obedience to Jesus?  What skills or talents have you discovered or need to be used?

2.  How has God been revealing Himself to me? (Word, People, Circumstances/Creation)
a. Check the ways you think God is revealing Himself to you against the truth of His Word.  God will never contradict Himself and reveal something or instruct you to do something that is contrary to Who He says He is in Scripture or what He has commanded you to do.

3.  What thoughts, attitudes, or behaviors are keeping me from right relationship with God?
a.  What are the barriers in your life are keeping you from coming to God with a clear and peaceful spirit?  What makes you feel guilty or shameful?  What makes you feel angry? Do you feel apathetic?

3a. With others?
a.  Is there any unspoken tension in any of your relationships?  Why do you have negative thoughts or emotions about other people?

4.  How will seek restoration in my relationships?
(specific course of action)
a.  If we claim to Love God then we need to Love others.  We can’t live fully satisfied lives if our relationships with God and others are broken. 

4a. What safeguards can I practice to keep me from developing harmful thoughts, attitudes, or behaviors?
(specific actions/internal and external accountability)
  1. Who in your life do you trust with your weaknesses?  Will they help keep you accountable by calling you out?  Are you willing to allow them to call you out? It all ties into humility. 
  2. You need people to hold you accountable for what you say and make sure you follow through.
  3. Writing out what you will do here keeps you from ignoring your weaknesses and keeps you accountable too.

5.  What can I thank God for today?
a. Count your blessings.  No matter how small or insignificant you think they are, remembering and listing them out will change your attitude and help you see life with a clear perspective.



1.  Physical/Health Goals:
What will you do tomorrow to help you achieve your weekly physical and health goals?

2.  Life Role Goals:
Reference the life roles you have for this year and the specific goals you’ve set this week to help you achieve your yearly goals. 

3.  Ministry/Work goals:
What are the specific tasks you’ve been given in ministry/work?  What are you going to do tomorrow to help you achieve your weekly goals?

4.  Relational Goals:
(unsaved, saved)
How will you build your relationship by expressing love and care for the unsaved friend you are focusing on this month?(from Monthly Guide) Do/say/be around?
How will you build your relationship with the saved friend from your Monthly guide? Do/say/be around?
Unscheduled Tasks:

Do you know what you have to do tomorrow?  If you don’t lay things out you may find that you have over committed your time?  Or you may have huge blocks of time that could be used more efficiently and wisely? Lay out the activities you have for the day and the start times, make sure you have adequate time to actually complete what you have on the agenda between activities

0515  Wake up
0518  Devotional/ Memory Verses
0545  PT
0600 Run
0700  Breakfast
0800 My formation
1200  Lunch
1700  Dinner
2300  Upload updates to Google Documents

Prayer Requests

Who are the people you’ve come across today that don’t have a relationship with Jesus? 
How can you specifically pray that they encounter Jesus today?
Do you know what previous experiences cause barriers to meeting Jesus?

Christian Challenge guy

Christian Challenge girl

Christian Friends

Church guy

Church Girl

Church Staff

Ministry Workers/Friends

Immediate Family

Father’s Family

Mother’s family



Social group

Praises/Answered Prayer:

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