Wednesday, January 25, 2012

2012 Commitments and Limitations

Life Roles
·         Commit praying for opportunities to share w/the lost every day
·         Make myself accountable to someone for witnessing
·         Commit to meeting w/ 2 ppl each wk(cold meeting or card)
a.  Limit to one day for 1 hour going on campus to look for cold meeting
·         Commit to praying for students in JITW everyday
·         Give JITW students scheduled times to meet w/ me
·         Give discipleship leaders priority in mtg times
a.  No more than 4 meetings in one day(1on1, sml grp)
·         Commit to praying for God's guidance for me everyday
·         Commit to praying for clarity and confidence to be ready to ask everyday
·         Commit to trusting God to protect, grow and guide potentials
·         Commit to trusting God to provide and put His kingdom first
a.  Limit time spent with potentials to 15hrs a week
b.  Limit time spent praying for ______ to 15min at a time

·         Taking at least 2 courses each semester
·         Taking out loans if needed to pay for classes
·         Take weekend seminar classes when offered and when not already committed to something else
a.  Limit time spent in Phoenix or Mill Valley to 1 day or weekends during semester
b.  No more than 2 weekends a month spent in a class
c.  Not to exceed $2500 a semester per semester
·         Commit to studying for class M-F after 2pm
·         Commit to studying in a place outside of Challenge
·         Ask someone to keep me accountable in study and communication discipline
a.  Stop working on Challenge stuff at 2pm
b.  Don't work on Challenge stuff on the weekends
c.  Don't communicate w/anyone for 2hrs each day
·         Commit to spending 15 min planning in the morning
·         Commit to spending 15 min planning in the evening
·         Commit to finishing 3 school related projects each week
a.  Limit totally weekly projects to 12 a week

Passing on:
·         Commit to focusing teaching to 2 points in 1on1 and sml grps
·         Commit to praying before each teaching meeting
·         Commit to praying with the people I meet w/ at the end of each meeting
·         Commit to praying for clarity and focus before studying
a.  Don't change material to make everyone happy(style or additions that detract from the focus)
b.  Limit feedback to 3 students per month
c.  Limit feedback from mentors, peers, and accountability partners to 2 meetings per month
·         Committed to getting feedback from students and allowing them to evaluate my effectiveness as a teacher and my content
·         Committed to evaluating myself and allowing others(mentors and accountability partners) to critique me
a.  Focus on studying the scripture instead of trying to make analogies or jokes

·         Committed to dedicating time to preparing sermons
·         Be willing to ask for opportunities to preach
·         Committed to Manuscripting sermons for critique and review
·         Committed to uploading speaking engagements for online review and critique
a.  Limit total preaching opportunities to 6 per semester
Small Groups:
·         committed to preparing manuscripted lessons for small groups
·         Committed to asking for feedback(small group evaluation template)
a.  Limit outside teaching opportunities to 1 every 2 weeks
b.  No more than 11 lessons each week
·         Committed to praying before writing or studying
·         Committed to examination before the Holy Spirit
·         Committed to purity
a.  Keep writing simple, avoid being verbose
b.  Abstain from T.V. during preparation periods
c.  Abstain from Facebook during preparation

Ministry Roles

Confidence in God:
·         Committed to studying scripture w/leaders
·         Committed to serving leaders (listening and giving)
·         Committed to always elevating God's Word above my opinions or advice
·         Committed to asking leaders thought provoking action inspiring questions
a.  Don't put myself in a position to gain profit, pleasure, or the power of coercion
b.  Limit talking about myself to relation and teaching points
·         Committed to involving leaders in the teaching and preparation process
·         Committed to giving leaders opportunities to grow in responsibility
·         Committed to communicating with leaders my method
a.  Limit points on teaching to 2 things per meeting
b.  Refrain from commenting on teaching methods if it detracts from the main lesson itself
·         Commit to studying , knowing, and memorizing God’s promises and stipulations
·         Commit to praying for discernment, gentleness and boldness before each meeting
·         Commit to listening to how God has worked in the students’ lives
a.        Limit what I say to direct challenges for obedience according to God’s Word
b.      Don’t push students to the point where they are embittered or feel like failures
Self Confidence:
·         Commit to meeting w/ students for evaluations
·         Commit to giving students opportunities to build skills and confidence
·         Commit to giving honest and constructive feedback
·         Commit to praying for each student to have humility and integrity of character
a.        Refrain from giving empty praise
b.      Do not hide my failures, be honest

Material for others:
·         Commit to setting aside an hour a day to write
·         Commit to asking God to provide me with discipline and inspiration to write
a.        Limit time spent correcting
b.      Do not use social networks or phone while writing
c.       Do not watch tv while writing
Content Rich:
·         Commit to only publishing quality/content rich material
·         Commit to studying supporting scriptural truths
·         Committed to writing as simply and concisely as possible
a.        Limit time spent studying to no more than 5 min for each supporting scripture
·         Commit to writing for the blog every day (90min)
·         Commit to updating blog features (music, pictures, links, formatting)
·         Commit to commenting on other peoples blogs(1 hour a week)
a.        Spend no more than 2 hours a week for formatting the blog
b.      Limit time spent reading and commenting on people’s blogs to 1 hour a week
·         Commit to asking God to reveal one passage of scripture that best illustrates His commands
·         Commit to studying till God reveals an obedience point to focus on
a.        Limit time spent on creating a summary phrase to 15min

Support Raiser
Support Team
·         Commit to asking God to reveal people who will support ministry at Christian Challenge
·         Commit to meeting/talking/fb with 1 potential supporter each week(contact people Mon nights @6pm)
·         Commit to buying supplies for mailings(stamps, envelopes, address labels)
·         Commit to 30 min a week to update supporters list
a.        Limit spending on mailings to $50 a month
Cost of Living
·         Commit to using a budget
·         Commit to spending 1 hour a week to monitor and update financial records
a.        Limit my requests to what I need
Communicate w/Supporters:
·         Commit to making a summary presentation for first time meetings(saved)
·         Commit to making a evangelistic summary presentation for first time meetings(unsaved)
·         Commit to sending out a monthly ministry update
a.        Limit ministry update to one page
b.      Limit time spent on working on update to 1 hour a month
·         Committed to seeking financial help
·         Committed to paying off debt before personal expenses
·         Committed to giving(tithing) before personal expenses
·         Committed to saving 15% of income
a.  Limit eating out to twice a week
b.  Limit driving to 220 miles a week

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