Things to talk about for fasting
What our church is doing
- 21 day fast that started on the 6th
- Series on fasting “It’s not about the food”
- Isaiah 58
- To help our church refocus by listening to what God is saying
-fasting to eliminate distractions(T.V., certain types of music, certain activities, food)
-”Fast from the world, feast on the Word”
-Break the fast on the 27th. Special service to celebrate as a church family.
Some questions:
1. Have you ever fasted?
2. Why have you fasted in the past?
3. What kind of fast did you observe?(hard fast, daniel fast, partial fast, etc)
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Biblical Definition
“a Christian’s voluntary abstinence from food for spiritual purposes.” (Donald S. Whitney)
“The voluntary denial of a normal function for the sake of intense spiritual activity.”(Richard Foster)
- can’t be guilted, pressured, or forced to fast, something you willing choose to do
- Self denial to intentionally create more time to be absorbed in spiritual activity
- Bible only specifically references fasting from food not from things like music, tv, or iphones
“Fasting is a privledge not an obligation. It is the acceptance of a divine invitation to experience His grace in a special way. “ -Donald S. Whitney (Rom 14:22-23)
Types of fasts found in the bible
Normal fast: abstaining from all food but water(Matt 4:2, Luke 4:2) It says Jesus was hungry but not thirsty. Body doesn’t function properly without fluid after 3 days
Partial fast: limitation of the diet but not abstention from all food, eliminate some foods from your diet or eat smaller portions(Dan 1:12, Mat 3:4)
Absolute Fast: the avoidance of all food and water (Ezra 10:6, Esther 4:16, Acts 9:9)
Supernatural fast: only two instances mentioned in scripture where God intervened sustained the body despite the absence of food and drink(Deut 9:9, 1 Kings 19:8)
Private fast: As taught by Jesus in the sermon on the mount. Its a personal thing that you do to strengthen your relationship with God. Not something you advertise to let everyone know you’re fasting so you can gain favor with men.(Matt 6:16-18)
Congregational fast: A group of people devoting themselves to fasting for the purpose of being aligned and committed to the purposes and mind of God. Themes also associated with congregational fasts are repentance, forgiveness, blessing(Joel 2:15-16, Acts 13:2)
National fasts: To cry out to the Lord asking for his deliverance or intervention on behalf of the nation(2 Chronicles 20:3, Jonah 3:5-8, Neh 9:1)
Regular fast: A regular preset time to abstain from food for spiritual reasons(Lev 16:29-31, Zec 8:19)
Occasional fast: Done as the need arises or for special occasions as in the instance in Esther, 2 Chronicles, and Jonah.
Why do you fast?
- Jesus tells and expects us to fast(Matthew 6:16, 9:14-15)
Ten Other Reasons/Purposes
To Strengthen Prayer: To bring urgency and focus to our praying. Reveals a heart attitude of resolve and an earnest desire to be heard by the Lord
To Seek God’s Guidance: To eliminate distraction from hearing and discerning the will of God. Demonstrates a heart attitude of impassioned yearning for like-mindedness with God. (Judges 20, Acts 14:23)
To express grief: An expression of mourning and loss over a loved one or sin. Also coupled with prayer demonstrating a need for mercy, forgiveness, or peace that can only be given by God.
To seek deliverance or protection: Most common fast practiced in scripture and often associated with repentance. (Ezra 8:21-23, Esther 4:16)
To Express Repentance and the Return to God: fasting for a change of mind the results in a change of action. The fast can signal a commitment to obedience. Fasting without repentance and a commitment to obedience=love is self-masochism (1 Sam 7:6, Joel 2:12)
To Humble Oneself Before God: Can be a form of expression for humility before the Lord (1 Kings 21:27-29, Ps 35:13)
To Express Concern for the Work of God: An expression of somber concern and burden for the mission of God. Displays a concern for the priorities of God before our personal priorities. (Neh 1:3-4, Dan 9-3)
Emphasize this fast
To Minister to the needs of others: Fasting for spiritual reasons means that the reasons why we fast affect every area of our lives. Fasting while rejecting the totality of God’s Word in the expression of our interpersonal relationships becomes worthless. Fasting to remember the needs of others and to help us remember to love others as Jesus did, sacrificially.(Isa 58)
To Overcome Temptation and Dedicate Yourself to God: This expresses a form of commitment and obedience=love to the Lord(Matt 4:1-11)
To Express Love and Worship to God: This form of fasting demonstrates a love for God more than a love for food and symbolizes an unhindered and relentless pursuit for deeper intimacy with the Lord. (Phil 3:19, Luk 2:37)
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Fasting Resources
A Hunger for God by John Piper
Power through Prayer by E.M. Bounds
Spiritual Fasting by Paul Washer
Biblical fasting by David Cloud
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