Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Exodus 3: Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire

Storyteller: Tim Salomon
Key Points to Know
1.   God Calls us out of our ordinary circumstances to do the extraordinary
2.  God equips us to fulfill His commands by giving us Himself.  
3.  God asks us to trust him
Key Passage(s)
Passage: Exodus 3
Key Themes:
1.  Moses is doing his regular duty of shepherding his Father in Law’s flock
2.  Moses sees a burning bush not being consumed, something out of the ordinary
3.  God speaks to Moses from the bush
4.  God commands Moses to remove his sandals because Moses is on holy ground
5.  God identifies Himself as the God of Abraham
6.  God tells Moses He knows what’s happening to his people
7.  God tells Moses He is sending him to Egypt to free the Hebrews
8.  Moses has doubts about his ability to be used by God for this task
9. God tells Moses He will be with Moses and that everything will go according to God’s plan
10.  God will demonstrate his power in Egypt before the Hebrews are brought out of captivity
11.  The Hebrews will plunder the Egyptians without a fight then go to the Promised Land
Reflective Discussion Questions:
  1. What was Moses doing when God revealed Himself to Moses?
  2. Do you expect God to reveal himself to you?
  3. How has God revealed Himself to you?
  4. How do you respond when God reveals Himself to you?
  5. What did God command Moses to do when he came into God’s presence?  Why did God tell Moses to take off his sandals?
  6. What does verse 7-8 tells us about God’s character and nature?
  7. What does God tell Moses to do in vs. 10?
  8. What are some things God has told you to do?  Who are some people God has placed in your life to lead out of “captivity?”
  9. What is Moses’ response to God’s instruction?  How does God answer Moses’ question?
  10. What have you learned about your relationship with God from this story?
Individual Challenge
Ask God to give you clarity about a lost person you can pray for and help lead out of captivity?  
Community Challenge
Imagine what our church would look like if every person here was actively looking for people to lead out of captivity?  How would our church impact our community?  How could Tucson, AZ leave an imprint on the world?  

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