Storyteller: Sam Camarena
Key Points to Know
1. God is in control
2. God saves those who place their faith in Him
Key Passage(s)
Passage: Exodus 11:4-14:31
Key Themes:
God tells Moses exactly what He will do and how Pharaoh will respond
Moses tells Pharaoh and the people what God has revealed and said
God tells Moses that He’s been in control of not letting Pharaoh release the Israelites so that God would be glorified in the plagues
God gives specific commands for the meal to be eaten before they leave
Unblemished Lamb, roasted by fire, eat all of it with bitter herbs, anything left gets burned
Blood from the lamb is to be smeared on the door posts
Lamb stays with the family 14 days and is part of the family
Anyone who doesn’t put the blood on the door posts will be struck down
God commands the people how to remember the Passover
No one apart from the people can eat the Passover Meal
No leaven/yeast to be eaten or will be cut off
All first born’s not covered in the blood die, Pharaoh releases the people
God’s word fulfilled when Hebrews plunder the Egyptians
God leads the people through the wilderness
God sends Pharaoh after the Hebrews so that God will be glorified
God commands Moses to stretch out his hand over the water and God parts the sea
God destroys the Egyptian Army, delivers the Hebrews and the people believe in God
Reflective Discussion Questions:
What does God tell Moses to say to Pharaoh? Why does God tell Moses that Pharaoh won’t let the people go?
What’s the purpose of Pharaoh’s heart being hardened?
Why does God want Israel to celebrate the Passover feast? What are some of the specifics of the feast?
What elements from the feast parallel things we’ve seen in the New Testament?
Were the Hebrew firstborns spared from death just for being Hebrew? What were the instructions to be spared from death?
What was required of the people to be spared? What did it take for the people to follow God's instructions?
How were the Hebrews spared from destruction at the hands of the Egyptians?
8. What gave Moses the confidence to obey God's instructions in the face of certain doom?(the instructions to part the Red Sea)
9. How is your confidence in God? Do you have the faith to obey even when things don't make sense?
10. What are some signs of God's power and faithfulness from your past?
11. Have you ever experienced the faithfulness and power of God in your life?
12. What opportunities has God given you to grow in your faith with Him?
13. What has kept you from trusting God in the past?
14. What will help you remember God is in control and that He is trustworthy? (i.e. this story =))
Individual Challenge
How can you grow in your trust with God this week? What’s one opportunity God’s given you to step out in faith? What’s one thing you can do? (Commit your life to Jesus for the first time? Invite a friend to church or campus ministry this week? Share about what God has done in your life with a friend?)
Community Challenge
What would this place look like next week if everyone stepped out in faith and invited someone to come to church next week? What would happen if each of you shared your faith with someone this week?
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