Storyteller: Deborah Lock
Key Points to Know
1. Jesus calls us to follow Him
2. Jesus has authority over all things(physical and spiritual)
3. Jesus tells us we need to change
Key Passage(s)
Passage: Luke 5
Key Themes:
Jesus calls out to a fisherman named Simon to let out his nets for a catch
Simon says he’s been fishing all night and hasn’t caught anything but he obeys
Simon’s obedience is rewarded with so great a catch that his boat and other begin to sink
Jesus calls Simon and his partners to leave everything and follow Him
A man with leprosy asks Jesus to heal him, Jesus heals him and tells him not to tell anyone
Jesus heals a paralyzed man by telling him his sins were forgiven
Jesus asserts that he is the Son of man and has the authority to forgive sins
Jesus calls Levi to follow him and goes to Levi’s house for dinner
The Pharisees question Jesus about associating with Levi, Jesus says he has come for sinners
Pharisees ask why Jesus’ disciples don’t fast and Jesus tells them that they must have a new way of thinking
Reflective Discussion Questions:
What did you learn new in this story?
What do we learn about Jesus in this story?
What do we learn about Simon in this story?
What do we learn about Levi in this story?
What do we learn about the Pharisees in this story?
Which of these characters do you identify with in the story?
Can you share a past experience of God calling you to follow Him?
What did it take for Simon to obey Jesus? (v5)
What was the result of Simon’s obedience?
After the miraculous catch of fish what was Simon and his partners response? (v11)
Why did Jesus tell the man with leprosy not to tell anyone Jesus healed him?(v14, 16)
Why was it such a big deal for Jesus to tell the paralyzed man his sins were forgiven? (v21, 24)
What does Jesus mean by what He says in v. 34-35?
How does having a relationship with Jesus affect how you live? Your attitude? How you think?
Individual Challenge
Ask that God would reveal an area of your life that needs to change for you to follow him more obediently
Community Vision
How will our community change if we seek God more fervently and become more aligned to His will? How will this prepare our church for this new season of life? How will we become more ready and equipped to do what God intends for our church?
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