I've been getting in a lot of different ways from God that I need to develop my relationship with Him more so that I can in times of trouble rely on him. I've been learning that I need to learn how to rely on the Lord for provision so that i can truly enjoy and experience rest. The last couple of days in particular God has really been stressing the need for me to trust in the wisdom and goodness of the Lord. Specifically through my devotion...
The picture that came to mind illustrating this principle of obedience and absolute trust was the movie A team
Another illustration for me was my life in the Army. Sometimes in field environments you'll be operating all by yourself with little or incomplete information of where enemy and friendly forces are. But if you have a good leader and you trust him implicitly, you can be free of worry. The leader assigns you a job and all you have to do is the task assigned to you.
In the same way in real life God is the master tactician. He's the guy that has his eye on the whole picture. His mind is the one that worries about the things that could go wrong and considers all the minute factors that could affect things that probably dont even affect me. The thing is God is a good leader who cares for each of his soldiers. He wants the best for each of them and doesn't want harm to come to them. He has a contingency plan for every situation. He has a out for every seemingly impossible situation( 1 Corinthians 10:13).
God has a plan and task for me, and rather than worrying about all the things that could possibly go wrong, or the seemingly huge and impossible tasks I should focus on the task that is on hand. God has given me simple tasks for me to be found faithful in now. What i need to recognize is that my faithfulness in these small things plays into God's game plan to win the war.
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