One of the annual events that we have the opportunity to participate in is the Collegiate Conference in Glorieta, New Mexico at the Lifeway Conference Center. This annual retreat is a special time of fellowship with college students collegiate workers from all across the country. We spend a week worshiping together and learning from gifted godly men and women. This year worship was led by Addison Road and our teaching pastors were Mike Satterfield and David Platt
After I got back from Glorieta I had the opportunity to attend my student orientation for Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. I met many of the professors that I will be having for my seminary courses and met fellow students that I will be going to class with. It is such a blessing to have the opportunity to attend courses that will better equip me to do ministry. Moreover, it is a blessing to find mentors and colleagues in the faith that I can turn to for advice and support in ministry. I am only taking two courses this semester, New Testament Survey I and Pastoral Counseling. I've only had one class meeting for each but have already been given the opportunity to apply lessons I've learned in class to ministry. For example, in my first Pastoral Counseling class we learned about the skill of reflective listening in counseling. A half hour after class ended I stopped by the Christian Challenge building and there was a student there that needed someone to talk to. I'll be honest, in times past when this student would talk I kind of zoned out and would interrupt to hasten the student to the point and just tell him solutions. However, because of my new awareness of communication styles and the skill of reflective listening I had the opportunity to listen to the student and start hearing some of the root causes of the issues he has. Had I not taken the time to simply listen, the student would have never been given the opportunity to open up. My seminary classes have also been a humbling experience for me. Many of the other students are older than me and have already been serving in ministry for decades. I feel fortunate to listen to them and learn from their experiences. Whenever the professors ask questions I sit in awe of the wise and insightful responses of the other students. One thing that I think has characterized my experience at seminary thus far is the realization of how much I don't know and how much more room there is for me to grow.
As I mentioned before the first couple of weeks/days prior to the start of school is a crucial time of preparation and planning for the school year. Over the summer I had been attending the Freshman Orientations and Club Expos to try and meet and gather as many student contacts as possible. While staff leaders at Christian Challenge and Priority have been keeping in touch through email and facebook we recognize that the connections students are really looking for are relationships with other students. At both the Christian Challenge and Priority College Ministry leadership orientations we divided all of the student contacts we had and charged our leaders with making contact with their students and personally invite them to our kick off events. The first kick off event was the Priority Welcome BBQ near the Park Student Union and AZSO dorm. This event turned out better than we planned because the dorms were supposed to have had a welcome event with free food. Fortunately for us, they didn't so when the students started walking out looking for the event they found our BBQ. I don't know exactly how many students were around but well over one hundred students participated in our fellowship. This platform event built a pretty solid launch for the rest of our August events such as our Guys/Girls night out, Scavenger Hunt, and Meet First Southern. Already in just the first couple weeks of school we've spotted some new students that God is developing to be future Christian leaders at the university.
Christian Challenge's first event the Fajita Fiesta was equally blessed. If you've read one of the earlier blog entries you may already know how God used the first event to grow us in confidence of His faithfulness and provision. We served fajitas to over 125 students and had the opportunity to invite them to our More to Life groups as well as our Tuesday night fellowships. We've also handed out gift bags to incoming freshmen inviting them to become apart of our fellowship.
One of my biggest fears coming into this semester was not finding any guys to connect with. That I wouldn't have anything of value to offer students. Well God has blessed me with the opportunity to lead two small groups for Christian Challenge. Interestingly enough each group seems to be drawn to one another in a weird way. I've had the opportunity to meet with each of the individual members prior to the start of the small groups and its been interesting to hear how similar their stories are. It's incredible to hear about the personal trials that each young man is going through and how God is burdening them to grow. Another blessing is finding that the separate issues each group is dealing with is something I've dealt with in my own life. So I rejoice in the opportunity to share with the students the mistakes I've made and successes I've had in the season of life they find themselves. It is a humbling and cleansing experience to see how God is using the journey He has led me on to speak into the lives of the young men He's placed in my life.
Closing the end of this month has been the start of many new things and with the new starts comes the hope of what God is presently doing and how that affects what He will do in the future. God has blessed First Southern Baptist Church with a new leader in Randy Mullinax. He and his family are set to move to Tucson and begin serving October 2. Meanwhile, we have have recently started a series called, "Changing your War and Your Wardrobe" during our Breakaway service. The series addresses the topic of spiritual warfare and all of this reminds me of the charge that we believers have to be faithful servants of our Lord. As I recognize that my God is working around me now, He gives me the opportunity to join with Him in His work by being faithful in prayer, exhortation of fellow believers with His Word, and fellowship with His people. So as I end this letter please be in prayer that I along with my fellow laborers in the mission field of the University of Arizona take heed to be found faithful and join in the work God is doing in our community.
Also things you can be in prayer for in the upcoming month will be Christian Challenge and Priority College Ministry's annual Fall Retreat! This is always a time of great relational and spiritual growth for our students setting the tone for the rest of the school year.
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Check out our facebook page and groups too!
1 comment:
Tim, it's great to keep up with you by reading your posts. So sorry I haven't been in better touch, but I hope to talk with you soon. May God continue to bless you and the ministries with which you are involved.
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