Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Heart of the Matter(draft1)

Addendum to Creating Dynamic Small Group Bible Studies

The Center of our Focus

The Heart of the Matter: Jesus
Something that was not mentioned earlier is why we would want to have Dynamic Small Group Bible Studies.  While Friendship, Study and Application are characteristics of dynamic small groups, ultimately we can create what appears on the surface to be a successful small group.  However, the mission of Jesus wasn’t simple outward acts of worship.  It’s not about changed behaviors; it’s about a changed heart and a renewed mind.  What Jesus desires is true inward transformation manifested by our outward actions. (Isaiah 1:11-20)  The outward changes (submission to Christ, healing, restoration) are all signs that both glorify and identify Jesus Christ as Lord. (Luke 4:18-20)

What we must recognize as followers of Christ is that true transformation will never come apart from Jesus.  (John 15:1-17)  Therefore, both the reason and way we create Dynamic Small Group Bible Studies is in and through Jesus.  Jesus himself is the one who changes the inward man and creates within them a new heart.  (Ezekiel 36:26-27; 2 Corinthians 4)

Question:  Why do we want Dynamic Small Group Bible Studies?
Answer:  As followers of Christ that desire to be conformed to the image of Jesus we recognize that we are individuals meant to live in community
Jesus must be the center of all our efforts in order to have small groups that are successful both externally and internally.

So how does this understanding of Jesus as the center affect each of the three areas of Study, Friendship and Application?  The answer is Prayer.

The Role of Prayer in Dynamic Small Groups
As illustrated in the picture above, prayer is the tie that binds the other elements to one another and keeps us centered on Jesus.  The very nature of prayer is submissive, and submission is the key to the Christian life.  Submission reflects the faith we have placed in God.  It is a active reminder to us that Jesus is Lord and that without Him we can do nothing. 

Prayer in Study
When we pray in study we recognize that without the Holy Spirit we cannot understand scripture and that our true teacher is God Himself. (John 14:26, 1 Cor 2:6-16)  So the act of prayer before, during and after our time spent in Scripture is an act of submission to our Teacher to give us understanding of His Word. (Jer 33:3, Jam 1:5-7)  Our prayer isn’t simply a plea to know stuff, but a cry for the Giver of the Word to reveal Himself through His Word. (John 1:1-3, 14)

Prayer in Friendship
The way we treat one another must be affected by our relationship to Jesus Christ and what He teaches us through His Word.  Christians are supposed to be characterized by their love for God shown in their love for one another.  Trivial things that might threaten to break up friendships and cause disunity should be put aside for the sake of preserving a bond of peace within the body of Christ. (Phil 2:1-8, Eph 4:3)  We are always seeking to show love to one another in all that we do and say so that the Body of Christ might be built up.  To be aware of how to show love to one another we must in prayer go to the Lord to help discern the intentions of our heart so that we are careful to wrap our speech and action in love.  We also pray for one another so that we take the time to think about one another so that we do not become selfish and isolated in how we act.  We give constant thought to how our actions and speech affect the body of Christ.  Moreover, we recognize how what happens to other members of the Body of Christ affects us as well.  (1 Pet 5:9, 1 Cor 12:25-26) 

Prayer in Application
The faith that we have in Jesus Christ should always be reflected in how we live our lives. (James 2:14-26)  When we pray to Jesus to guide our every action and word from our mouth we are reminding ourselves that Jesus is the Lord of our lives.  We remind ourselves that every aspect of our lives belongs to God and that everything that we do should bring glory to God. (1 Cor 10:31)  Through prayer we also recognize that without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit it is impossible to live a life redeemed and freed life found only in Jesus. (Phil 4:13,19; John 14:6)

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