Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Taking a break

Sorry I haven't done a very good job updating the blog and putting up new content.  I've been a little backed up on work and other responsibilities.  But...

This week is Spring Break for both our students and me!  So I hope to be able to catch up and get back on track with some of my goals for this year such as publishing to this blog regularly.

One of the things I emphasized before the break with the students is the need to rest or cease.  When we find teachings in the bible that talk about rest the word most often used in the original languages translates as cease.

So that's what I'm trying to do this week.  I'm trying to stop doing all the things I normally do and take time to reflect on what God has done in my life this past semester.  Open myself up to examination so I know what areas of life I've been lacking in or need to improve.  Also what areas I should remain steadfast in.  To persevere in doing good.  And above all to refocus.  To really ask God to show me where I might have gotten off track and how I need to adjust course to get back toward the place God wants me to be spending my time, energy, and gifts.

So I will not be putting anything up on the blog for a couple of weeks to allow myself to focus on realigning myself with what God wants me to do and to catch up on fulfilling all of my obligations in the Army, School, and Christian Challenge.

So that's me...but what about you?  Since we're already here...

You may not have Spring Break or a vacation coming up soon, but do you have times set in your week or day to cease?

Reflective Questions:
1.  What are the everyday work tasks that make up the bulk of your day? Week?
2.  What thoughts or work weighs down on your mind?
3.  What does ceasing look like in your life?
4.  When can you cease from doing and thinking about all the stuff you think you need to do?

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