Friday, March 23, 2012


Hello again!

Last time I said that I said I was going to be taking a break to refocus myself and while I may have gained some new perspective for my life I'm exhausted.

I've been battling all week long and I'm kind of tired.  I feel like I haven't had a spiritual breather.  Part of me knows its because I'm preaching this coming Tuesday and its something I should expect.  The more I preach the more I find I really need to keep my guard up and fight back against temptations that are pitfalls in my life.

I haven't felt the pressure to succumb to my sinful desires this strongly in awhile.  Things slacked of a little Thursday night but I know I still need to stay on guard. 

This Tuesday I'm talking about "Total Sacrifice producing Total Transformation."  I'm bring our students through the life of Paul focusing on Romans 12:1-2 and Philippians 3:4-11.

Please pray for me as I prepare and also for the students at Christian Challenge as I challenge us to examine ourselves and wholly surrender our will to Jesus.  

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