Friday, May 13, 2011

Fellowship Building Mediums

*The following were suggestions brainstormed in 2006 for Priority College Ministry

I.                     Weekly inter-small group meetings

Frequency: preferably every weekend (DOES NOT HAVE TO BE EVERY WEEK)
A weekly fellowship for all participants of small groups meant to foster unity and family/community.  Small group leaders will have the opportunity to sign-up for a week and either plan the activity or host the fellowship.  This medium provides an environment for future small group leaders to gain leadership experience in planning an activity.  If no one volunteers to plan the weekly event, responsibility for organizing an event is left at the discretion of the Ministry Coordinator .  The event can be held on any day of the week if no one volunteers to plan the event then it will default to the weekend. 
·         Create a Sign-up Sheet
·         Have small group leaders sign up for a week
·         Small group leaders communicate plans to leadership team
·         Advertise event among small groups

II.                   Sunday Lunch
Frequency: Every Sunday
A fellowship time planned around food.  Fellowships should be planned after the Priority service.  These fellowships are meant to help establish connections with new members and visitors so that people on the Leadership team can form friendship relationships in the hope of transitioning into discipleship relationships in the future.   Restaurants will vary from week to week as prescribed by the Fellowship Coordinator.  Schedules will be placed on the website one month in advance.
·         Post schedule on website
·         Plan list of restaurants
·         Advertise(print and word of mouth)

III.                 Heartcry
Frequency: monthly(last weekend of the month)
A time of student (member) led sharing and worship designed to help create a sense of family and unity among the members of Priority.  During this time students have the opportunity to share with others what God is doing in their lives through testimony, songs, and other forms of worship.  This activity will also provide the opportunity for potential leaders to practice organizing an event and leading worship.  (i.e. public speaking, singing, playing instruments, praying)  the practice of meeting together to eat, share, and pray encourages students to have genuine concern for other members building a strong sense of family.(Acts 2:42-47)
·         Create Sharing sign-up sheet
·         Find venue (preferably someone’s home)
·         Potluck signup sheet
·         Advertisement(service and small groups)

IV.                 Monthly Victory Dinner
Frequency:  Monthly (1st week of the month)
This is a fellowship time specifically for leaders to share what they have had victory over in the previous month and express prayer concerns for things they would like to have victory over in the next month.  These victories can be either ministry related or personal.  The venue will vary from month to month as dictated by the availability of the leadership team. 
·         Find a venue
·         Inform leadership team
·         Church provides food

V.                   In Service Prayer
Frequency:  Monthly (on Sunday)
Each Small group leader is encouraged to invite their small group to pick a Sunday during the semester to meet and pray in the Prayer room during the Priority Worship service.  During this time prayer will focus specifically on the students coming to the service, prayer request cards, and leaders of the ministry.  ANOTHER ALTERNATIVE is to meet before the service or after the service and commit to spending time in prayer. 
·         Create Sign-up sheet
·         Communicate to Small Group leaders to sign up
·         Small Group leaders communicate to members about signing up for a particular day
·         Teach about the importance of Prayer and the Holy Spirit

VI.                 Monthly Visitor Outreach
Frequency: Monthly
During the monthly Leaders Victory dinner a list of all the new members or visitors that have come to Priority over the last month will be given to the Leadership Team.  Leaders will be encouraged to contact and invite visitors and new members to participate in the leader’s life. (i.e. if you and some of the girls from your small group are going to lunch give the new person a call and ask if they want to come)
·         Compile list of visitors and new members
·         Leaders contact visitors and new members
·         Schedule interaction time/event

VII.               Bi-monthly Evangelism Outreach
Frequency:  One Semester
This Evangelism outreach is a focused training period consisting of 7 weeks of training prior to a 3 week period of practice in the field.  During the training phase, specific emphasis will be placed on prayer, scripture memory, and world view analysis.  In the practicum, groups will be encouraged to practice what they have learned along with using the evangelistic methods they have used in various locations across Tucson, so as not to “over fish” the area. 
·         Sign up for Evangelism course
·         Prepare core curriculum
·         Select areas in Tucson which to Practice
·         Set class meeting times
·         Set prayer times

VIII.             Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Frequency: One Semester
Each small group will be encouraged to adopt a Christian that is currently being imprisoned.  The small group will be encouraged to write letters to their adoptee and to be faithful in prayer for the prisoner and the church in the country that he/she is imprisoned.  A list of imprisoned brethren can be found on

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